Transition Metals

Transition Metals included on the Periodic Table based on the IOUPAC 1985 standard
Click on the ABC Elements Link for Information about each chemical element in the Periodic Table
What are Transition Metals? Define Transition Metals
Transition Metals are used as a term in Periodic Chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. Each element can usually be classified as a metal or a non-metal based on their general Physical and Chemical Properties. Transition Metals are any of the metallic elements within Groups 3 to 12 in the Periodic Table (see the List of Transition metals) that have an incomplete inner electron shell and that serve as transitional links between the most and the least electropositive in a series of elements.

What are Transition Metals? Common Properties of Transition Metals
All the transition metals have two electrons in their outermost shell, and all but zinc, cadmium, and mercury have an incompletely filled inner shell. Terms including multiple valences (because of their incomplete inner shells), high melting points, colored compounds, and the ability to form stable complex ions and alloys describe some of the properties of transition metals. Nearly 75% of all the elements in the Periodic Table are classified as metals which are detailed in the
 List of Metals.